bubo was designed and developed by Matt Lane - a Systems engineer that works in the field and uses Bubo day in day out. He finds it a god send, being able to tell things have gone down before being
told by the users, is first class. It makes you think back to a day without bubo and you wonder how you managed everything. With bubo in place the business has been able to expand its IT operations as things are more managable with bubo.
You are even emailed (with Bubo alerts) after a monitored device has been down for 30 seconds, telling us what is down. There could be times that things go down overnight, as the email is sent with a time stamp, you will know when it happened! There is a possiblity you could catch a cyber attack in progress and shut everything down before a lot of damage happens
Montoring the temperatures of server rooms (even remotely) is a pretty neat party trick too. Another handy tool with this platform is listing Created / Deactivated users.
Its nice to know whats being done on the IT system too, if you have a number of administrators creating and deactivating users, you will see it all here.
...that feeling you get when everything's ..time to go make that coffee.